Kempten, Germany +49 (0) 831 - 73


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by RMSKempten

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by RMSKempten

Stromboli and ADM Suite

The currently very active volcano Stromboli has come into public interest.

The emerging lava forms basalt rock.

XRD and ADM Suite show the components this rock consists of:


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by RMSKempten


We have been developing XRD laboratory software for more than 40 years. Our software has proven to be a great asset for our customers in terms of reliability, quality assurance, flexibility and user-friendly interface. We are confident that the new generations of ADM Suite releases will continue to meet your needs!

Among other things, we have developed the software packages Stress and Stress Plus from Malvern Panalytical. These are supplied as standard analysis software for XRD instruments sold by Malvern Panalytical worldwide. For more information about the software, visit


Become part of our team !

We are currently looking for highly qualified technicians and programmers with excellent knowledge of Visual Basic and Visual Studio. Scientific knowledge and knowledge of XRD applications in laboratory operations are an advantage as we build and configure our powerful ADM Suite platform for a variety of XRD systems.

Our work is mainly done online, but occasionally we spend a few days or more on-site with clients, both in Germany and across Europe and the rest of the world. Our main focus is on geoscientific and mineralogical applications, however the ADM Suite is highly customizable and can be used in almost any diffraction application.

If you are interested in becoming part of our team, please send an email to and tell us more about your qualifications and expertise. We look forward to hearing from you!


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by RMSKempten

Analysis of biominerals

Our laboratory regularly participates in interlaboratory tests to document its XRD competence. This year, too, our contribution to urinary stone analysis achieved the highest possible score. The Reference Institute for Bioanalytics issued a certificate for this.

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by RMSKempten

ADM Suite: Analysis of the microstructure of polycrystalline materials.

Physical properties such as crystallite size (diameter), crystallite orientation and internal stress. Demonstrated here testing a tungsten powder:


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by Toni Höltke

ADM Suite finds rare minerals

A customer sent us a small amount of a substance he found in the formic acid solution after acid treatment of a mineral stage. It turns out that this is a secondary formation of formicaite (Ca-formate) during acidification:

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by RMSKempten

XRD for Paper Analyses

Cellulose is the most abundant polymer on earth and the main component of paper and paper products. The high quality demands placed on paper today necessitate the addition of inorganic fillers and pigments., originally intended to save expensive fiber material. It was soon recognized that the properties of the paper could be increased and controlled by the fillers.

Our example shows an XRD phase analysis of a brown packaging paper: In addition to the fiber cellulose (68 weight %), it contains 32 weight % of fillers: talc, kaolinite and calcium carbonate.

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by RMSKempten

Cell Refinement & Pattern Indexing

The cell parameters of crystalline substances are determined or refined. The module is able to separate and index the individual crystalline phases from measurements of substance mixtures.
The measured interferences are indexed according to crystal classes, lattice parameters and extinction rules.
As an example you can see this application on the measurement data of a technical anatase (TiO2).

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by RMSKempten

Crystallite size and Microstress

nThe grains of a powdered material are themselves composed of smaller polycrystalline crystallites. They determine the physical properties of the material.

The size and residual stress of these crystallites can be easily determined in ADM Suite.

Using the example of a tungsten powder, the grain size of which the manufacturer specifies as < 10 µ, the crystallite size is determined to be 256.6 ± 6.6 Å (25.7 ± 0.7 nm) and a negligible internal stress (microstress) of 0.067 ± 0.005%:

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