40 years RMSKempten
by RMSKempten
40 years of software, laboratory tests and training - 40 years of RMSKempten
Today is the day, we are celebrating our 40th anniversary!
More than forty years ago, during his doctorate, Mr. Wassermann began to create software for X-ray diffraction on the 8-bit computers that were just coming onto the market at the time.
Device control and measurement data acquisition were the first applications that were soon used as standard in what was then the Mineralogical-Petrographical Institute of the LMU Munich. It did not take long for the manufacturers of diffractometers to become aware of this development, and the first software package for the XRD was launched in 1981 under the name ADM, offering device control, measurement data acquisition, basic data evaluation, phase analysis and lattice constant refinement.
In the same year the company RMSKempten (Röntgenanalytik.Meßsysteme.Software) was founded and with his first comrade-in-arms and lifelong friend Dr. Günter Lorenz became the business areas
- XRD software,
- XRD laboratory (phase analysis, residual stress, texture analysis) and
- Education (user training, seminars and workshops)
brought to life.
Today, RMSKempten offers its sales partners corporate fitted, ready-to-use software solutions for almost all applications required for the XRD.
More News
by RMSKempten
Immediate Whole Pattern Analysis
When opening a measurement file, ADM immediately presents the analysis of the entire diffractogram. You use all diffraction information and are not tied to one or a few peaks.
Learn more about ADM and get the free trial in your lab today!
by RMSKempten
ADM V8 - now available as a trial version for free download
Want to try ADM before you buy? - No problem!
Just download the free trial of ADM.
Read more … ADM V8 - now available as a trial version for free download
by RMSKempten
The results match - Our customers love ADM!
Used in laboratories around the world
ADM is used in laboratories wherever X-ray powder diffraction data is examined.
ADM also offers the right tools for you:
Very easy diffractogram processing Identify and quantify major and minor phases quickly and easily. ADM even automates these tasks as soon as you load your diffractogram.
Simulation from structural data
Simulate diffractograms from structural data to create your own custom database.
Multiscan analysis
With the help of our comprehensive multiscan toolset, comparing and sorting many similar diffractograms to find outliers is easier. Use cluster analysis to find new diffractograms in your data.
One-click analysis
Just one click and you're done - with the one-click analysis from ADM you can create evaluations in seconds and in a quality that an experienced analyst would need hours for.
We think just the way you do!
ADM works the way you do it Time is money - that's why we developed ADM in such a way that it can be perfectly integrated into your workflow. This not only makes your analyzes faster, but also higher quality and easier to manage.
Flexible multi-user license models
We make it easy for you to collaborate with others. With a flexible multi-user license, a large team can distribute one license across multiple workstations.
Learn more about ADM and get the free trial in your lab today!
by RMSKempten
40 years RMSKempten
Today is the day, we are celebrating our 40th anniversary!
More than forty years ago, during his doctorate, Mr. Wassermann began to create software for X-ray diffraction on the 8-bit computers that were just coming onto the market at the time.
Device control and measurement data acquisition were the first applications that were soon used as standard in what was then the Mineralogical-Petrographical Institute of the LMU Munich. It did not take long for the manufacturers of diffractometers to become aware of this development, and the first software package for the XRD was launched in 1981 under the name ADM, offering device control, measurement data acquisition, basic data evaluation, phase analysis and lattice constant refinement.
In the same year the company RMSKempten (Röntgenanalytik.Meßsysteme.Software) was founded and with his first comrade-in-arms and lifelong friend Dr. Günter Lorenz became the business areas
- XRD software,
- XRD laboratory (phase analysis, residual stress, texture analysis) and
- Education (user training, seminars and workshops)
brought to life.
Today, RMSKempten offers its sales partners corporate fitted, ready-to-use software solutions for almost all applications required for the XRD.
by RMSKempten
Release of ADM-V8
by RMSKempten
ADM_Cell released for free download
ADM_Cell was developed for the calculation of XRD reference diffractograms and RiR values from crystallographic and chemical data for qualitative and quantitative phase analysis. You can download it here.
by RMSKempten
EPDIC 17 postboned
Due to the unprecedented development pertaining to the COVID-19 pandemic, the EPDiC17 Organizing Committee has decided to postpone EPDiC17 to 15 - 18 June 2021.